

Kushtaka's goal is to simplify the installation and coordination of deception techniques so that Blue Teams can protect their networks and systems through actionable signals.


The executable is a single binary built and compiled using Go. This will allow for kushtakad to run on many different architectures. Linux, Windows, ARM would be the ideal platforms to target. All the assets are compiled into the application and this faciliates easy installation and configuration.

The datastore is bboltdb which is a maintained fork of Ben B. Johnson's boltdb project. Boltdb has many many users of the years. The database can store terabytes of data and has transactions.


The kushtakad dashboard is used to configure your Kustaka environment, create tokens and sensors, along with many other administrative tasks.


Sensors impersonate and emulate real life services on your network. Telnet, Ftp, Http with plans for many others. The idea is that as attackers pwn your user's machines, the network can actual act as a strategic defensive position. Because the attackers will have to move laterally and pivot to other machines/servers on the network, they must scan and probe other servers or services. It is here where the kushtakad executable running in -sensor mode can give the Blue Team a significant advantage.


Tokens currently are Weblinks, Pdf or Docx files that Kushtaka generates. You place these files generated assets inside your infrastructure in places that NO ONE should be. When an attacker interacts with these tokens an alert is sent.

Last updated